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Our imported roses are sourced from the best growers in Australia and around the world, ensuring that they are of the highest quality and have a long vase life. Each rose is hand-selected by our skilled florists and arranged with care to create a stunning bouquet that will delight your recipient.


Our dozen imported rose bouquet comes in a range of colors, including classic red, soft pink, vibrant yellow, and pure white, allowing you to choose the perfect expression.




Rose colors and their meanings:

  • Red: Red roses are the classic symbol of love, passion, and romance. They express deep feelings of affection and admiration.

  • Pink: Pink roses convey feelings of grace, elegance, and sweetness. They can also symbolize gratitude and appreciation.

  • White: White roses represent purity, innocence, and new beginnings. They are often used in wedding bouquets and can also express sympathy.

  • Yellow: Yellow roses symbolize joy, friendship, and happiness. They are often given as a gift to a friend or to celebrate a new beginning.

  • Orange: Orange roses represent enthusiasm, excitement, and energy. They can also symbolize desire and passion.

  • Lavender: Lavender roses represent enchantment, grace, and elegance. They can also be used to express love at first sight.

  • Peach: Peach roses symbolize gratitude, appreciation, and sincerity. They can also represent modesty and gentleness.

  • Green: Green roses represent fertility, abundance, and good luck. They can also symbolize harmony and balance.

  • Blue: Blue roses are not found naturally and are often artificially colored. They can symbolize mystery, impossible or unattainable love, or represent the unexplainable.

Each color of rose can have different meanings depending on the context and cultural traditions, but these are some of the most common associations.





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