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This beautiful style of arrangement features a stunning mix of roses, chrysanthemums, lisianthus and sim carnations that are sure to bring joy to anyone's day.


At the heart of this bouquet are the roses, symbolizing gratitude and appreciation. The delicate petals of the roses come in various shades of pink, red, and white, adding a touch of elegance and beauty to the arrangement. Combined with the chrysanthemums, which represent joy and happiness, this bouquet is perfect for showing your appreciation to someone special in your life. With their seasonal freshness and colors, they bring a sense of playfulness and whimsy, making this bouquet truly special and unique.


All of our flowers are carefully selected and arranged by our talented florists, ensuring that every bouquet is one-of-a-kind and made with love. This mixed bouquet is the perfect gift for expressing appreciation to a friend, family member, or colleague.







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